Monday, January 4, 2010

Yogi Zen Master PO'H

One day, Pat O'Hagan, a good buddy of mine at work, and I decided to have some fun at one of the KJ jobsites and create a piece for the company newsletter.  The following is our creation... Thanks for being a good sport Pat... I think it turned out great!

Yogi Zen Master PO'H

Many have pondered the tight schedule at the Urban Yoga Spa Project and the high stress, long hours, and sleeping in trucks that go with it.  I recently visited the site to discover how Foreman Pat O'Hagan's handles the adversity... I had no idea that I was about to uncover a powerful alter ego and yoga routine that helps Pat (aka Yogi Zen Master PO'H) cope with the daily grind.  

The Tool Time Posture:  Yogi PO'H begins his day in a meditative state, freeing his mind from worldly distractions.  He breathes deeply and strives to better his karmic relationship with the tools of the trade.                       

Down Doughnut Doggie:  Balancing three boxes of doughnuts throughout this difficult pose is only for Masters of the Art.  Once complete Yogi PO'H will be fueled up, ready for action... he has become one with the jobsite.

The Plywood Pose:  Once oneness is achieved, it's time to move some materials.  Nothing aligns the chakras like packing sheets of three-quarter-inch plywood.

The Walking Tree:  Yogi   PO'H   frees   his   mind   from   the drudgery of the moment and contemplates higher thoughts.  He gives thanks to the trees for providing him with wood that is not too warped.

The Nail Gun Warrior:  When attempting this posture, it's important to be profoundly present in the moment.  Otherwise, Yogi PO'H is likely to nail his hand to the wall.  That uncomfortable pose is known as the Stigmata.

The Carpenter Corpse:  After a long day of enlightened creation, Yogi PO'H loosens his tool belt and lies still on his mat.  His soul and spirit are calm and clear as a mountain lake... he will soon be ready for another 18 hour day.

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